Bringing Restoration to Human Trafficking Survivors

Dismantling the human trafficking network requires not only prevention of future victims, but ending the cycle of trauma experienced by survivors–that is, restoring hope and a future for those impacted by this dehumanizing system.

That is why one of our primary goals at Greenlight Operation is to open a long-term care home–a restoration home–for women who have been victims of human trafficking. Last year we wrote a blog post introducing the concept of our restoration home, and it has been our hope to have a home ready within the next couple of years.

The home that we envision is more than a safe house; though we want these women to feel safe and comfortable. It is more than a rehabilitation center; though we do expect to have women that have suffered through drug use and other addictions. A halfway house is close, but still does not quite encompass it all.

The term “restoration” has been picked very specifically. To restore is to return someone or something to a better condition, place, or position. Our dream is to create a home for women to get the services and help that they need to heal, grow, and become healthy and independent.

You can read more here.

We have been diligently raising funds to go towards our $500,000 home budget to purchase the property.

Greenlight Operation has had the opportunity to partner with a wonderful, local real estate agent. She has diligently been working with our leadership team to find the perfect property. Even though the social-distancing imposed by the novel coronavirus pandemic has slightly delayed the process, she continues to go above and beyond. We are so grateful for Maryssa and her expertise as we continue to search.

At this time, we are still working to acquire our home. In order to reach that goal, we have a number of ways that you can help.

  1. Attend our Art Festival Saturday, September 19, 2pm-7pm. You can not only purchase from and support local artists, but can grab some great grub from local vendors, meet and chat with the Greenlight Operation team, and know that a portion of all of your purchases go directly to our Restoration Home Fund.
  2. Join our team and become a monthly supporter! Even $5 a month adds up quickly and can make a significant impact. Check out our donation page to partner with us.

Whether offering housing to survivors or showing kindness to someone impacted by trafficking–ending exploitation means serving every individual until they are free.

Why am I redirected to Christian Life Assembly's giving page?

Greenlight Operation is a newly incorporated 501(c)(3) and is in the process of filing its 1023. For now, Christian Life Assembly provides operational support to Greenlight Operation, such as our giving platform. Your donations are 100% tax-deductible and go toward Greenlight Operation’s mission.

Have more questions? Contact us.