Greenlight Operation Night at the Senators

Few things beat a summer baseball game with family and friends—especially in support of a good cause. That’s why we were excited when the Harrisburg Senator’s invited Greenlight Operation to be their community partner at a game earlier this month.

Not only did a portion of ticket sales help support Greenlight, but Jordan was able to spread our mission to fans before the game (watch her interview here!) and our volunteers interacted with dozens of visitors at our boardwalk table.

It is disturbing for people to learn or be reminded that human trafficking exists in their neighborhoods, which is why partnerships like this are invaluable for educating the community and providing an avenue for individuals to help fight trafficking in the area. We were honored by the support of individuals who stopped by the Greenlight table and appreciate the Senator’s staff helping us highlight this issue.

Everyone we met agreed: modern day slavery has no place in Pennsylvania, the U.S., or globally.

If you would also like to help raise awareness, Greenlight Operation offers trainings for schools, churches, clubs, and other community gatherings. If you would like to schedule a speaking engagement or training event please go to

Why am I redirected to Christian Life Assembly's giving page?

Greenlight Operation is a newly incorporated 501(c)(3) and is in the process of filing its 1023. For now, Christian Life Assembly provides operational support to Greenlight Operation, such as our giving platform. Your donations are 100% tax-deductible and go toward Greenlight Operation’s mission.

Have more questions? Contact us.