Greenlight Operation 2018 Recap

It has been an incredible few months for Greenlight Operation. After the A21 Walk For Freedom in 2017, came the question, “what can we do next?” From this question, Greenlight Operation was born. Our group officially began in May 2018. Since then, we have hit the ground running to raise awareness about human trafficking and to provide support to victims.

We have set 3 major goals for the next 3 years, and are excited to say that one of them has already been met! Along with 23 other states, as of October 26th, 2018, PA is now a Safe Harbor State. This means PA “will now provide specialized services to victims of sex trafficking under the age of 18 instead of potential criminal charges.”¹ This is a huge win for Pennsylvania, but we aren’t anywhere near being done! Our next two goals include raising $500,000 to open a long-term restoration house in the Harrisburg area, and developing a free training program for law enforcement.

Over the last 8 months we have been partnering with local organizations/corporations to provide customized trainings on various aspects of human trafficking. Over 50 people attended our first professional human trafficking awareness training. The team travels to conduct these trainings and also hosts them within the community.

We have been able to speak at schools, colleges, churches, and youth groups, raising awareness about human trafficking in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States, as well as educating the public on warning signs and where to report allegations. If you would like to book a speaker or attend a training, head over to our Education & Awareness page.

During our Breaking Chains event at the end of September, we were fortunate to host Marc Martel (American Idol, Bohemian Rhapsody). This event also had a number of artists and non-profits. Local artists sold and showcased their beautiful creations and attendees had the opportunity to engage with anti-human trafficking organizations. With over 30 volunteers, we were able to raise almost $2,000 at this event.

At this year’s A21 Walk for Freedom, we had 130 participants and 35 volunteers. This event is world-wide in over 450 cities, and in more than 50 nations. During this event alone, we raised about $2,500 for A21, and handed out more than 300 flyers with statistics about human trafficking, with the National Human Trafficking Hotline on them.

To learn more about these 2 annual events go to Breaking Chains and Walk for Freedom 2019!

In December, we officially launched our online GO Shop. Now, it is easier than ever to purchase shirts, mugs, and more, to help support our organization and spread the name and awareness of Greenlight Operation. Check it out for some great gifts and Christmas bundles!

The team here at Greenlight Operation has been blown away by the support that we have received this year. Between July and November, we’ve been able to raise $7,772.56. We have been so grateful for all of the help from our volunteers, and all of those that have attended our events these last few months. Though we have already accomplished so much, there are still goals to be met and work to be done.

If you are interested in volunteering, joining our team, or would like more information, visit our GET INVOLVED section!

Thank you for an incredible year of service and support!

-The Greenlight Operation Team


  1. Three notes from Pennsylvania’s End of Legislative Session

Why am I redirected to Christian Life Assembly's giving page?

Greenlight Operation is a newly incorporated 501(c)(3) and is in the process of filing its 1023. For now, Christian Life Assembly provides operational support to Greenlight Operation, such as our giving platform. Your donations are 100% tax-deductible and go toward Greenlight Operation’s mission.

Have more questions? Contact us.